Junior Princess - Ivy
Hi, my name is Ivy. I’m excited to be RSCs Junior Princess with my horse Cowboy.

Peewee Princess - Drew

My name is Drew and I am looking forward to a fun year as your rainbow saddle club peewee princess.


2024 Royalty 

Queen - Jennifer
My name is Jennifer, and I am honored to be nominated as RSC's 2024 Queen. I look forward to representing this amazing club with my favorite horses, Dozer & Pepsi (aka Big Mac & Small Fry)!

Peewee Prince - Daniel
I'm Daniel and this is my horse, Lena

Princess - Shaylan
Hi my name is Shaylan and this is doc, I am so excited to be your 2024 RSC Princess.

Junior Prince - Darby
​Hi. My name is Darby and this is Claire. I’m looking forward to a fun year with Rainbow Saddle Club and being junior prince.

Prince - Jerrin
My name is Jerrin, I'm excited to be RSCs Prince with my horse Cozmo.